
SURA Food Menu

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Beef Duruchigi

  • Preparing time : 20 min

두루치기 Stir-fried beef brisket with special red pepper seasoning and vegetables 665 kcal


  • Preparing time : 20 min

차돌박이구이 Stir-fried sliced beef brisket with seasoned vegetable 310 kcal

Galbi-Gui LA

  • Preparing time : 20 min

갈비구이 Grilled marinated short-ribs with soy sauce and ground vegetables, fruits 670 kcal

HWA Bulgogi

  • Preparing time : 20 min

화불고기 Grilled thoroughly marinated slice beef chuck loin in BBQ sauce and served with meat-wrapping vegetables 350 kcal


  • Preparing time : 15 min

김치전 Spicy cabbage kimchi Korean pancake 485 kcal

Haemul Pajeon

  • Preparing time : 15 min

해물파전 Korean pancake baked in a pan with green onions, various vegetables and seafood coated with flour and breadcrumbs 685 kcal


  • Preparing time : 15 min

소고기잡채 Stir-fried glass noodles in savory soy sauce with sliced beef and vegetables 655 kcal


  • Preparing time : 15 min

군만두 Fried dumplings  | Kimchi Mandu 3pcs, Beef Mandu 3pcs 347 kcal

Chili Saeu

  • Preparing time : 15 min

칠리새우 Deep fried shrimp with stir-fried in sweet and spicy chili sauce * Saeu is shrimp in Korean 320 kcal

Saeu Naengchae

  • Preparing time : 10 min

새우냉채 Korean seasoned shrimp salad with pine nut dressing 275 kcal

Seafood Soup

  • Preparing time : 10 min

해산물수프 Spicy & sour seafood soup with vegetables 315 kcal

Charcoal-Bulgogi Garlic Fried Rice

  • Preparing time : 20 min

숯불불고기 마늘볶음밥 Garlic fried rice with charcoal grilled beef Bulgogi marinated in BBQ sauce | Served with today’s soup 368 kcal

Charcoal-Galbi Kimchi Fried Rice

  • Preparing time : 20 min

숯불갈비 김치볶음밥 Kimchi fried rice with charcoal grilled beef short-ribs marinated in BBQ sauce | Served with today’s soup 385 kcal

Charcoal grilled Hwaro Galbi 700g

  • Preparing time : 20 min

화로양념갈비 Korean-style grilled short ribs BBQ 700g Thinly sliced ribs marinated in Korean soy-BBQ sauce Choose  Soft | Done For 2 persons | 950 kcal

Charcoal grilled Bulgogi 500g

  • Preparing time : 20 min

석쇠불고기 Beef Bulgogi 500g marinated in Korean Soy-BBQ sauce Choose  Soft | Done For 2 persons | 875 kcal

Kimbap & Ramyeon

  • Preparing time : 30 min

김밥과 라면 Vegetables Kimbap with vegetable Ramyeon 745 kcal

Modeum (Assorted) Kimbap

  • Preparing time : 30 min

모듬김밥 Vegetables | Bulgogi | Tuna Kimbap 745 kcal

Fried chicken tenders

  • Preparing time : 30 min

치킨안심후라이드 Fried chicken tenderloin with special fried dough served with tartare sauce 1250 kcal

Korean fried chicken (bone)

  • Preparing time : 30 min

옛날통닭튀김 (후라이드|양념|간장) Choose sauce  Fried | Soy | Sweet and spicy (Yangnyeom) 950 kcal

Korean fried chicken (boneless)

  • Preparing time : 30 min

순살후라이드치킨 (후라이드|양념|간장) Choose sauce  Fried | Soy | Sweet and spicy (Yangnyeom) 1350 kcal


  • Preparing time : 30 min

떡볶이 Stir-fried rice cake with tasteful red pepper paste sauce aged for 10 days 521 kcal

Haemul chadol Jjamppong

해물차돌짬뽕 * Handmade noodle Spicy noodle soup with beef, seafood and vegetables in tasteful spicy seasoning 725 kcal


짜장면 *Handmade noodle Mixed noodles with stir-fried black bean paste sauce with beef & vegetables 675 kcal

Haemul Ramyeon

해물라면 Noodle soup made with special seasoning  in vegetables broth with seafood and vegetables 525 kcal

SU Ramyeon

수라면 Noodle soup made with special seasoning in vegetables broth with vegetables and mushroom 425 kcal

Wagyu Yukhoe Bibimbap

와규 우둔살 육회비빔밥 Served with today's soup Bibimbap with various vegetables and rice in thinly sliced wagyu topside in red pepper paste sauce * Yukhoe : Korean seasoned raw beef with vegetables 600 kcal

Jeyuk Dolsot Bibimbap

제육돌솥비빔밥 Served with today's soup Hot stone pot bibimbap with stir-fried spicy beef bulgogi and vegetables 445 kcal

Haemul Dolsot Bibimbap

해물돌솥비빔밥 Served with today's soup Hot stone pot bibimbap with stir-fried seafood and vegetables in rice mixed with savory soy sauce 410 kcal

Dolsot Bibimbap

돌솥비빔밥 Served with today's soup Hot stone bibimbap with various seasoned vegetables, stir-fried beef Bulgogi and served with specially-made red pepper paste sauce 375 kcal

Sanchae Bibimbap

산채비빔밥 Served with today's soup Bibimbap with various seasoned vegetables, and served with specially-made red pepper paste sauce 355 kcal

Haemul Deungsim Jeongol For 2 persons

해물소고기샤브전골 Served with white rice and side-dishes Seafood and beef hot pot boiled various seafood and thinly finest beef chuck, vegetables in a special broth 745 kcal

Guksoo Jeongol For 2 persons

국수전골 Served with white rice and side-dishes Handmade noodles hot pot boiled thinly finest beef chuck with vegetables and mushrooms in a dried anchovies & vegetables and dried kelp broth 920 kcal

Bulgogi Jeongol For 2 persons

불고기전골 Served with white rice and side-dishes Bulgogi and vegetable hot pot boiled various vegetables and thinly finest beef chuck in a special broth 756 kcal

Budaejjigae Jeongol For 2 persons

우삼겹 부대찌개전골 Served with white rice and side-dishes Hot pot with beef brisket belly, kimchi, ham, sausage, and beans marinated in tomato sauce in beef bone broth simmered for 6 hours 945 kcal

Mandu Jeongol For 2 persons

만두전골 Served with white rice and side-dishes Handmade dumplings hot pot boiled handmade beef & kimchi dumplings, vegetables and specially-made red chili paste seasoning in special broth 868 kcal

Sangdeugsim Jeongol For 2 persons

생등심전골 Served with white rice and side-dishes Finest sliced beef rib-eye roll, various vegetables, mushrooms and glass noodles are put in a hot pot and cooked on the spot 720 kcal

Shiraegi Haejang-guk

소고기 시래기해장국 Served with white rice and side-dishes Korean soul food with dried radish leaves and beef in a soup that has been boiled for a long time with beef bones and flesh 288 kcal


시골 장터국밥 Served with white rice and side-dishes A Korean soul food that is eaten with rice and seasoned chives in a soup that has been boiled for a long time with beef bones and flesh 296 kcal


갈비탕 Served with white rice and side-dishes Beef short-rib soup 495 kcal


설렁탕 Served with white rice and side-dishes Beef stock soup of bone and stew meat 450 kcal

Dak gomtang

닭곰탕 Served with white rice and side-dishes Boiled chicken soup with potato noodles 135 kcal


소고기육개장 Served with white rice and side-dishes Spicy beef soup with vegetables 195 kcal

Doenjang Jjigae

차돌| 해물된장찌개 Served with white rice and side-dishes Soybean paste stew 175 kcal

Chadol Kimchi Jjigae

차돌김치찌개 Served with white rice and side-dishes Spicy cabbage kimchi stew with beef brisket 255 kcal

Gogi Sundubu Jjigae

고기순두부찌개 Served with white rice and side-dishes Savory-spicy Soft Tofu Stew with beef 315 kcal

Haemul Sundubu Jjigae

해물순두부찌개 Served with white rice and side-dishes Spicy Soft Tofu Stew with seafood 275 kcal

Strawberry | Mango Bingsu

망고빙수 Ice flakes with strawberry topping


팥빙수 Homemade PATBINGSU Shaved Ice with homemade Sweetened Red beans

Doongoolecha | Solomon’s-seal tea

둥글레차 Solomon’s-seal Tea activates metabolism, helps blood circulation, relieves fatigue and stress, and lowers toxins and blood sugar in the body It is also rich in vitamin A and has the effect of preventing aging 45 kcal

Lussory premium Red | White 750ml BTL

무알콜와인(레드) 135 kcal

Mojito Lime | Strawberry | Cranberry

라임모히또 66 kcal

Ice Tea

아이스티 39 kcal

Berry Earl grey aid

베리얼그레이에이드 69 kcal

Honey orange aid

허니오렌지에이드 69 kcal

Pepsi/ Pepsi diet/ Coke/ 7-up

탄산음료 152 kcal

Sparkling water 330ml

탄산수 15 kcal

Mineral water 330ml

생수 15 kcal


Opening Hours


Saturday to Wednesday

12:00pm – 11:00pm


12:00pm – 12:00am


01:00pm – 12:00am


Phone: 0568767234

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